So where I last left off - 2000 a time of transition for a number of things, the "red hot" internet properties of the '90's started the downward slide that became the recession of the early 2000's and many "internet millionaires" became bankrupt or lost much of their projected net worth. During this time many companies had been focused on growth and establishing an "internet" presence without really having a business plan or an approach to sustain or support the number of systems that were being deployed to the networks. Corporate malfeasance leads to regulation - Enron, WorldCom, Tyco and other companies caused public outrage due to accounting fraud of various magnitudes and the attempted cover-up and complacency of Sr. Management. The result is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. While mostly corporate accountability legislation, this triggers a number of compliance initiatives that impact Information Security and compliance. Continued ema...
Ideas, tips, tricks, and theory on Information Security, risk management, forensics, and e-discovery.